Welcome to Saudi Ventures Investment


District، Levels 13 & 18, Al Faisaliah Tower King Fahad Road, Olaya, Riyadh 12212, Saudi Arabia.

Opening Hours : Monday To Saturday - 9AM TO 4PM

March 2022 The Forest That Talks: A Conservation Story from Borneo

In the heart of Borneo, where the rainforest meets the sea, a unique conservation project funded by Saudi Venture Investment is changing the way we understand and protect our planet's lungs.

July 2021 Solar-Powered Villages in the Sahara: Empowering the Desert

Imagine a village in the Sahara Desert where electricity is not just a luxury but a lifeline for development.

November 2023 The Coral Reef Renaissance: Restoring Life Under the Sea

Off the coast of the Maldives, a vibrant underwater world is being reborn, thanks to an innovative project supported by Saudi Venture Investment.

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